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Have you ever attended a meeting or Kickoff call and realized… What the Heck is going on here?

Launching a programmatic campaign goes beyond just activating in a DSP; it starts right after the client has been sold!!

Let me explain, Check out this 1 min video:

Why Is This Important?

#1 reason a launch is compromised is because the team is unclear campaign’s deliverables, unrealistic client’s expectations, and ambiguous internal workflow.

If we are real with each other, we spend to much time looking for the right information needed (assets, campaigns details, approval documents) to get started effectively, and we are often given crazy deadline to have something up and running ASAP…

This is 1. 5 hours of content to help you understand what a successful programmatic launch or activation is, from understanding which DSPs to How long it should take to who is responsible for what in your team.

We Will Answer The Following Questions:


How Many DSPs to include in one activation?


What are processes and systems to include to help not just you, but everyon else on the team keep efficiency at the forefront?


What is the secret to internal workflow and how to automate some manual process? 

Hint: This is also the secret sauce to growing a team and retaining top programmatic ninjas.

Here's A Little Bit More Details:

Lesson 1: Platform

Lesson 2: Process
Understanding the importance of internal processes and a clear internal workflow including standardizing and automating => this is how we develop a true team spirit during a launch where everyone is efficient and happy

Lesson 3: People
Let’s understand why employee leave, and how we can fix this. This is extremely relevant during a programmatic campaign launch. Why? Because the top reasons why people leave is due to poor leadership and a toxic environment (trust me, a messy launch can create all of the above if not addressed!)



What does the Reach and Frequency™ Bonus Course on Programmatic Activation Fundamentals come with?
4 lessons with on-demand training videos, guides, and workbooks, a community with like-minded marketers,

Do I have to start the course at a certain date or time?
As soon as you purchase, you will receive a welcome email with the log-in details to access lessons instantly,

Will I have lifetime access?
Yes! This course comes with lifetime access to all lessons materials.

Can I add a course certificate to my LinkedIn or resume?
Yes! You will receive a Completion Certificate at the end of this course.

How long will the course take me?
You can go at your own pace! This course is roughly 1.5 hours of content.

What if I have course questions?
You will have direct access to me in our Community Slack Channel.

How do I sign Up?
Grab this one time offer for only $199 by clicking HERE.

Here’s What Others Have Said about the Course:
"Thank you for everything you're doing. There's not a lot of info out there for media buyers/traders, and having had to learn from wikis/reddit/DSP reps, etc. Your videos/course are great sources!"
- Corey Clark
One of my goals for 2022 was to take my game to the next level and become a better digital marketer. The first step I have taken towards this goal is to join the Programmatic Meetup. A few calls later now I wish I had joined even sooner. I love the spirit of the calls and have learned so much from all the guests and participants. Do youself a favor and try it out. Helene Parker has so much knowledge to share with the programmatic community and you will meet truly amazing people. 

Don't say I didn't tell you!
- Carlos Villanueva
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